BlogKey Piece Collection of Blog Posts


Hello Everyone. We Are Live!

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We are live, and to prove it here’s our first blog post! I am so overwhelmed that we have finally finished this ‘long time in the making’ website that I have absolutely nothing to say for the first time in my life…….

Ok, just kidding…….. I always have something to say. We are live so the best way to start is with a big THANK YOU to a few people.

I will start with our wonderfully, charismatic & awesomely talented website designer, John Kappa, from Perception Design. He is a brilliant designer and equally high tech geek. (We were much more comfortable with his designer side). That is such an amazing quality in a website designer, we feel very blessed to know him.

Next is our amazing photographer Adrienne Bizzarri from Adrienne Bizzarri Photography. We took her on as budding baby photography student & have worked with her for a couple of years now. She has developed into a wonderfully talented and amazing photographer, standing her ground with the very best. We are so proud! Just please take note, she has only taken the really great photos. The dodgy ones have been taken on my iPhone & photoshopped to within an inch of their lives. (Sorry Adrienne, we have some more jobs for you to shoot).

We couldn’t have captured the essence of our wonderful personalities without the amazing talent of Donna Rodwell. Her illustrations capture the true essence of everyone she works with. We love her work, she is a star!

Next are our wonderful clients who have enriched our lives, stretched us in every way and have made Key Piece the fantastic business it is today. Without you, there would be no Key Piece.  Now….. before you have a look at our gallery,  I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful ‘before’ photos. Remember, no-one knows who you are……. before you freak out, the contrast has made our jobs look great.

Thank you to the wonderful tradesmen that have worked tirelessly to bring our visions to life. Thank you for your years of working as part of our team & making project management such a dream.

Thank you to Linda Zovko who helped us to work out who we are and what we do and how to translate that into a website. It was a long hard process and we are very grateful for your help. I do believe that designers may not be the easiest people to work with, we are such fussy buggers!

Last, but of course not least, I want to thank Emma & Michael for being the best colleagues that anyone could dream of having. We have such fun & there is never a dull day in our office.

We are live, did I mention? Welcome to our new website & blog. I am excited to say our new blog posts will inspire you to reinvent your favourite spaces… with our help, of course 😉